
The Power of
‘the right tool’

We’re excited to be able to journey with you on this personal and/or familial road to a healthy sense of Belonging and Well-Being. To that end we’re happy to provide you with some Amazing and free resources.  

At the Growing Place we are incorporating Intentional Movement & Healthy Nutrition as integral elements of Mental & Emotional Health and Wellbeing. The information provided by The Growing Place is intended to serve as a catalyst for the integration of Intentional Movement and Healthy Nutrition into your overall journey toward Mental and Emotional Well-Being. *

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A note about our resources…

We are here to come alongside and explore together with you what it might look like to jump start that side of your Mental & Emotional Well-Being. We are by no means looking to Be your sole Movement experience, or even replace existing fitness routines. The same goes for Nutrition.

Once you are up and running, we encourage you to seek out local ‘Movement’ communities such as your own family walks or bike rides; CARD’s various offerings like pickleball or soccer; North Rim CrossFit; Chico Velo; other gym type communities; your neighbor that always walks; or start your own ‘movement club’.

While we provide resources and suggestions, please be aware that The Growing Place does not endorse all content from the linked or recommended resources. We seek to carefully select specific sources and items that align with our holistic and evidence-based approach, avoiding specialized or trend-based concepts.

For example, with regard to Nutrition, our philosophy is to advocate for consuming food as close to its natural state as possible. If choices are between…

  • Peanuts – Peanut Butter – Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups… Go with the Peanuts

  • Potatoes – Potato Salad – French Fries/Chips… Go with the Potatoes

  • Meat (As is/Ground) – Deep Fried/Breaded – Heavily Processed sausage/’hotdogs’… Go with Meat (As is/Ground)

Ultimately, The Growing Place encourages you to engage with local Movement & Nutrition communities and seek professional advice as needed to tailor your physical and nutritional practices to your individual needs and well-being.

Please also note the same holds true for any Spiritual links and resources. Our aim here is to simply point you to the One who loves you, and has your best interest at heart! If Jesus himself said that apart from the Father’s presence in his life he could do nothing, the same holds true for us. Made in God’s image, we’re designed to house God’s very life in us, the result being that we get to Re-Present God’s goodness and reality here on earth—for our healing, peace, and blessing; the benefit of those around us; and for God’s glory!


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