The Power
of ‘us’

Restoring Hope is not a one man show. No one person or entity can ‘do it all’. We need each other, and together we can make it happen. 

The ‘2019 – 2022 Community Health Assessment for Butte County, Executive Report’ suggests that the Depression and Suicide rates in Butte County are close to double those of California at large.

While we strongly believe in our Chico and Butte County families and communities, we also know that many experience the effects of worry, fear, and hopelessness on a daily basis.

It’s our collective heartbeat to see our Chico & Butte County individuals, families and communities grow and flourish!



Together We Can…

  • Share Burdens

  • Overcome Challenges

  • Stand

  • Grieve

  • Celebrate

  • Take Risks

  • Succeed

At the end of the day,

‘I Can’, because ‘We Can’.

The following entities represent some of those we (directly and indirectly) both partner with and serve. 

Together, we can.