Dad’s as Coach

The Power of Questions

Explore the privilege, joys, and challenges of navigating dad-hood in the 21st Century through our dad-focused program.


As dads it’s easy to want to ‘fix it’…whatever ‘it’ may be.


If, however, as dads we’re to equip our children to be able to engage in this life well, and to want us still involved in their lives past their teen years, it is essential that we learn the power of asking questions and listening well.  These two carry an exponentially greater positive weight than just ‘telling’ and/or ‘fixing it’.

Our children are Not Projects. 

Powerful & Thoughtful Questions

By learning to ask Powerful Questions, we encourage exploration, deeper personal insight, and a clearer understanding and development of personal beliefs and goals. 

By asking Thoughtful Questions, we empower our children to reflect, ask further questions, to try, to fail, to challenge, and to discover wisdom, answers...and more questions.

With Open-Ended Questions we also foster a safe space for Expression, Freedom and Accountability—in other words, Ownership of personal Choices, Actions, and Words.

It releases and equips our kids to express hopes, fears, and dreams, all of which are essential for personal growth and development.

Once our children are adults, the only access we’ll have to their hearts and lives will largely be ‘by Invitation Only’.  If we want that ‘Invitation’ to come, learning to ask questions through their teen years in particular, will lay the foundation for our children inviting us into their spaces as life-long, peer-to-peer adult friends.


explore with us the privilege, joys, and challenges of navigating




for more information call (530) 588-0448