Equine Assisted Services

The Power of Emotional Connection

Designed to help youth and adults navigate the challenges of stress caused by traumatic life events, our unique and transformative Brief Intervention Program can compliment an ongoing counseling relationship, or serve as an independent program.

Equine Assisted Therapy in Butte County, CA

We combine the principles of the Polyvagal Theory with equine assisted learning in personal development, offering a safe and nurturing environment for individuals to develop and practice emotional regulation skills as they learn to navigate stressful situations and promote a tangible sense of ease.

Opportunities to interact directly with horses provide an experiential platform for applying and practicing these skills, leading to improved emotional Self-Awareness Self-Control, and Well-Being.

Benefits of this program include:

Stress Resilience

Learning to Regulate our nervous system and build Resilience in the face of stress.

Connection and

Interacting with horses can foster deep Emotional Connections and provide a sense of Companionship and Acceptance.


Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature, fostering a sense of Peace and Well-Being.

Who can benefit from Equine Assisted Learning?

  • Children and adults experiencing acute or chronic stress

  • Individuals seeking holistic and effective learning experiences

  • Anyone looking to enhance their stress resilience and overall Well-Being

overcome trauma.


Live with ease.


for more information call (530) 588-0448