Youth & Young Adult
Equine Program

The Power
of Hope

Harnessing the power of the ‘Horse & Human Connection’, this 16-session program promotes hope and healing for the most vulnerable youth and young adults in our community.

In collaboration with Mustard Seed Ranch, we pair mental health services with the use of horses to strengthen relationship skills and address the damaging behaviors created through trauma and devastating mental health issues.

Led by our caring and licensed mental health professionals, we channel the innate ability of the horse to understand and respond to human emotions and energy. By caring for the horse physically and emotionally (authentic work and connection), a trusting relationship is formed between the participant and the horse.

Our engaging sessions include specialized horsemanship activities combined with a youth and young adult centered Relationship Curriculum created in collaboration with psychologist and author Dr. John Townsend.

Interested in this program?

What Our Participants Say

“This program taught me how to share my heart.”

“I’ve never felt loved by something, until I came here.”

Partner with Us

Volunteer today!

do you have a love for youth/Young audlts & horses, equine experience, and a desire to help empower youth?

We rely on the volunteer help of community members like you to support the participants in the horsemanship activities. More importantly, to offer a genuine environment of personal connection, healthy relationships, and a committed investment.

Volunteers must complete a Live-Scan background check to commit to the full 16-week program.