
The Power of Ease

Recent studies have shown that Choosing to Give Thanks (especially with our voice) activates brain regions associated with the release of endorphins like dopamine. That’s a good thing!

THe Expression of being Thankful leads to increased activity in brain regions associated with social bonding and stress relief, suggesting that Giving Thanks and Gratitude (the attitude being thank-full) not only enhances personal Well-Being but also strengthens Social Relationships.

‘Giving thanks’, by definition, implies having someone to address thankfulness toward. To experience the touch of Love, that touch that turns the ashes of failure, abuse, and toxic experiences into Life-Giving Beauty, can’t but elicit a response of ‘Thank You’.  What may have been meant for your destruction, Will be turned into Life and Beauty. Hope becomes an experienced reality!!


Giving Thanks is a Game Changer to Healing and overall Emotional and Physical Well-Being.

Giving Thanks will begin to set us At Ease (rest).

Once Ease begins to set in, we will start to notice that ‘Dis-Ease’ (of all kinds) begins to lose its grip on our lives. Growing Gratitude and being At Ease will have a Game Changing impact on our mental, emotional, and physical health and our interpersonal connections.  

Find ease.


Be healed.