
The Power of Movement

Have you ever played an imaginary game of (positive) ‘What If’?  Consider the following ‘What If’s’…

What If I could a reduce or eliminate my Depression & Anxiety? What If I had a more positive Mood & Emotional Well-Being? What If I improved my Concentration, Attention, and Mental Sharpness? What If…

So many studies over the past decade have linked regular movement of all kinds to positive expressions of overall Well-Being.

The above ‘What If’s’ are often the very expressions of Well-Being that we are looking to attain as we Grow in Life through our counseling journey.  

Endorphins are powerful, chemical neurotransmitters that when released, influence everything from managing and relieving physical and emotional pain, reducing stress, reducing inflammation, balancing emotions, stimulating joy, releasing laughter, producing calm and contentment, and even reducing immune system chemicals that can worsen depression.

Their positive influence on Well-Being has a very good track record!

So… the million dollar ‘Well-Being’ question: 

Evidenced based research, across all demographics, highlights the importance of incorporating regular physical activity, even in small amounts, into one’s daily lifestyle for mental, cognitive and emotional health maintenance, improvement, and an overall sense of Well-Being. 

This kind of gives new meaning to the song – ‘I like to Move it, Move it’!  Maybe it should be, ‘I was designed to Move it, Move it’.  😊

Movement and exercise is a game changer in
your journey of Healing, Growing, and Renewal.

Also, check out ‘Rob’s Mom’s Story’ as well as our Resource Page or Facebook/Instagram pages for Movement and Exercise opportunities available to you.