Am I a safe Place for Me?

A good question to ask myself from time to time...

Am I a safe* place for me... ?

If the power of life and death (destruction) are in the tongue...then with my voice I can speak life and/or death to people, places, circumstances... including myself!

What about the silent words/thoughts that run across my mind like that ticker tape on a score board?

Are those words/thoughts rooted and aligned with Life, Love, Goodness, the very nature of the One who spoke the universes into being and in whose loving image I've been fearfully and wonderfully made? 

Or, are they aligned with accusation, fear, shame, destruction....?

It's imperative that I choose words of Life. They have the power to displace fear and shame. They carry in themselves the very power to birth Life, Love, the hidden Life in the acorn, just waiting to be planted...

My mouth speaks from the wellspring in my heart. 

For 'me to be a safe place for me', it's vital that I guard my heart. To keep its roots deep in the wellspring of Life! 

With a heart Rooted well, and the words of life to follow…I can begin to Taste (by experience) and See (through understanding) that God is in fact Very Good! :)

*Safe—is there an internal freedom and nurture to try; to risk; to fail; to excel; to succeed; to ask questions; to ask for help; to receive help; to be sad; to express sadness; to be joy-full; to express joy; to be hope-full....

Kyle Walling

Freelance graphic designer. Creative web, print, & brand storytelling | Graphic & Web Design—Chico, California

Physiology First